Blog Posts
Blog posts and written communication are a staple of the Rust (and wider development) community. COMP6991 would like to provide the opportunity for students to enhance their technical writing skills, while simultaneously fostering an alternative method of learning.
Each blog post (if the criteria below are met) will be worth 2 course marks (for a max of 5 posts marked), and will contribute towards the weekly exercises portion of your marks. This means that it can (almost!) replace one entire week's worth of exercise marks per blog post. This is not intended to discourage completing weekly exercises. Weekly exercises are foundational for your learning, however mistakes sometimes slip through, so a safety net is often desirable.
In order for a blog post to be worth marks, it must be:
- At least 300 words.
Related to Rust Programming...
- Preferably related to the content in the course, so it is accessible to your fellow students!
- Published publicly in the course forum under the blogposts category
- Published before Friday Week 9 23:59:59.
- Be entirely your own work (no chatGPT)
We suggest that you host your blog somewhere publically (e.g. personal website, medium, etc.) so that you can share it with the wider community too (e.g. Reddit, Discord, etc.)! However, we will also accept forum posts (not on the wider internet) too.
Below is a list of some amazing blog posts that will be given as resources during the course. These are of amazing quality as their authors have been writing for quite some time, so it's not expected that your posts are of similar quality - but good for inspiration!